If you do not fear about having needles in your body Evgeny Kuznetsov Womens Jersey , then the use of the acupuncture for weight loss can be the easy way to lose weight. This was reported by the Korean study that was published in the Journal called Acupuncture in Medicine. While doing the research, the researchers were not looking only on the effectiveness of the ear acupuncture weight loss but also on how it boosts the weight loss and which type of ear acupuncture that work best. They used two types of the acupuncture, one was to use only one needles and it was placed on the hunger point. This is the point that it is linked to the appetite. Another type used five needles and they were placed in five key points of the ear known as the Shen Men. Other places used are these that are known to be linked at the endocrine, spleen T. J. Oshie Womens Jersey , hunger and stomach. The research of acupuncture for weight loss was done at 91 Koreans and one group was given five point treatments while others were given the single point treatment. All the participants had been asked to restrict their diets and not do any additional exercise. After four weeks, the people who were under the treatment of 5 needles had a 6.1 percent reduction in the BMI and one point group that showed 5.7 percent reduction. This shows that the two options may help to boost the weight loss and for someone who wants to get faster result, then a five needle technique is better. The acupuncture for weight loss is based on a theory that our ear is the representation of all parts in the body. The hunger acupuncture weight loss point is the best choice when it comes to convenience. However, the patients who suffer central obesity should use five acupuncture point. According to the research Nicklas Backstrom Womens Jersey , the effectiveness of the acupuncture with the obese patient is based on the metabolic function. If there is an increase in the metabolism, it promotes the consumption of the fat in the body and it results to the weight loss. However, even if it has been found out that acupuncture weight loss can help, it is too early to decide if it will really bring the results or not. However Alex Ovechkin Womens Jersey , with a large number of the people who are overweight and who lose most of their money on fake programs that promise the user to lose weight, it is expected that many people may try out the acupuncture for weight loss. The studies done had shown that if the acupuncture is combined with the common weight loss programs, then there are better results that user can enjoy. The use of acupuncture weight loss is based on the belief that the excessive weight is because on the imbalance of the body nutrients, the malfunction of the liver organs and spleen system. Skilled practitioners of acupuncture may zero in the specific body areas needed for the best weight loss. The thyroid and spleen glands have also to be targeted.
Find more information relating to acupuncture for weight loss Jay Beagle Jersey , and acupuncture weight loss here.
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