There are many people who log onto the internet everyday looking for a way to make money online.
They start with all the best intentions Cheap Joe Haden Jersey , but unfortunately, before they know it they are getting bombarded with information and are simply spinning their wheels.
I completely understand this. There is so much internet marketing information online and once you get started it seems like ?information overload?.
Therefore, I will try to keep this as simple and short as possible.
Many people will sign up with an affiliate program promoting the affiliate's product or program. This makes sense. Starting as an affiliate marketer is probably the easiest way to get started online. There are many affiliate programs out there that will give you everything you need to promote their products or program?Well almost everything.
You see Cheap Jon Bostic Jersey , many of these affiliate sites will give you a website, but you don't own the site. It is a gateway site. You don't even own the domain name for that matter.
Being part of one of these programs is not bad though. I belong to several. SFI is a perfect example. I joined their program and have several sites that they gave me to promote their products and their affiliate program.
But if you are truly going to make money with these types of sites you are going to have to do a lot more than simply sign up for their program.
It is simply unreasonable to think that people are going to just stumble upon your site and sign up for your program and start making you money.
There are a few things you need to do if you truly want to make an affiliate program work.
First of all, you must have your ?own? web page with your ?own? domain name and your ?own? host. You will then have links from your ?own? site to the other ?gateway? site(s). You will promote your gateway site it Cheap Bud Dupree Jersey , but you will promote it through your own site.
There are so many reasons for this I couldn't possible fit it into this one article, but basically the site is yours to run the way you want to. Think of it this way?it is ?your? store and you are selling 'their? product.
Your web page could be designed as a short sales letter that focuses primarily on this one program if that is what you choose. Or, you could focus on several affiliate programs and products within the same market. For example Cheap Javon Hargrave Jersey , a sales letter with the top 3-5 money making opportunities.
THIS IS IMPORTANT: Either way, promoting one programproduct or promoting several, you will not only want to own your own site Cheap Sean Davis Jersey , you definitely want to be able to 'drop in? on potential customers from time to time. What I mean by that is you want to capture email addresses of people who visit your site.
To do so you need to give something away that is of enough value that people are willing to give up their email address and receive something from you week after week or at least month after month.
A newsletterezine is perfect for this. Send out a weekly or monthly newsletter on your topic that includes articles, tips, e-courses Cheap Artie Burns Jersey , bonuses etc. This way you can plug your programs over and over again (not just once).
I know this sounds like a lot'design your own web site and your own newsletter.
However, there are programs available that actually set everything up for you, including a website Cheap Chukwuma Okorafor Jersey , an autoresponder, a pre-written newsletter, and even unlimited support.
Plug-in-Profit (PIPS) is a perfect example. You can have a web site that site is 100% yours to change however you wish. The site comes ready to promote 5 different programs. You could work with as many of them as you want and you can also add your own.
You also get a pre-written newsletter and autoresponder that is also 100% customizable. The newsletter is obviously designed to promote the programs that come with the web site Cheap Terrell Edmunds Jersey , but you can change it however you wish.
PIPS may or may not be what you are looking for; however, if you truly want to be successful online you will definitely need your own web site and your own newsletter.
Copyright 2004 Adam Waxler
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